Click on the badge for more information


Tiger Cubs is a simple and fun program for first-grade boys and their families.  The Tiger Cub program introduces boys and their adult partners to the excitement of Cub Scouting as they "Search, Discover, and Share".


Wolf Badge


The Wolf program is for boys in the second grade. To earn the Wolf badge, a boy must pass twelve achievements involving simple physical and mental skills.


Bear Badge   

The Bear rank is for boys who are in the third grade. There are twenty-four Bear achievements in four different categories. The Cub Scout must complete twelve of these to earn the Bear badge. These requirements are somewhat more difficult and challenging than those for Wolf rank


This program is for boys who are in the fourth grade.   A boy may begin working on the Webelos badge as soon as he joins a Webelos den. This is the first step in his transition from the Webelos den to the Boy Scout troop. As he completes the requirements found in the Webelos Scout Book, he will work on activity badges, attend meetings led by adults, and become familiar with the Boy Scout requirements.

     Arrow of Light - Cub Scouting's highest award.

For Second Year Webelos only
(grade 5), the Arrow of Light Award is the highest rank a Cub Scout can earn.  It is one the only Cub Scout  awards that can be transferred to the Boy Scout uniform (if earned as a Cub, the religious square knot is also transferred over).   To signify this transition, Webelos 2 wear the Boy Scout tan uniform.